Defending You on Arson Charges
Arson is a very serious charge in the state of Michigan. A conviction can lead to prison time and substantial fines even if no one is hurt. If you face investigation for or charges related to arson, you want to carefully choose the lawyer who will handle your case. You also want to consider limiting your interaction with law enforcement. You have the constitutional right to remain silent under the Fifth Amendment and to have the counsel of your choice under the Sixth Amendment. If you tell the police you do not wish to talk, they must respect that right. If you tell the police you want to speak with an attorney, they must respect that right. Any statements you make to law enforcement and any decisions you make without the advice of counsel can be used against you in a subsequent criminal proceeding. When a prosecuting attorney is able to prove his or her case, it is usually due to a confession on the part of a suspect rather than any solid scientific proof. An arson defense lawyer at Baldwin Legal Services PLLC is dedicated to demonstrating your innocence and will aggressively pursue acquittal of any charges issued against you. Call us at 877-886-1441 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation.
We Also Represent Those Charged With Insurance Fraud
Many of those charged with arson, are also charged with the crime of insurance fraud, which includes circumstances of burning one’s own property to gain insurance money. If you have been accused of starting a fire or explosion, or charged with Insurance Fraud, you need a lawyer experienced in criminal law. The consequences associated with an arson or insurance fraud conviction are very serious. Call us at 877-886-1441 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation.
Michigan Arson Law Update
Posted on: Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Under the new Michigan’s arson laws, stiff fines may be imposed for serious offenses that previously carried only prison penalties. Fines of up to $20,000 are now possible for first-degree arson, arson of any insured property where fraud is the intent and arson of any real property. Previously, Michigan’s top arson penalty was 20 years for arson of a dwelling house, with no enhancement for causing injury. The amended laws increase the maximum prison sentences to life or any term of years for these categories:
- First degree arson: This includes any arson that results in physical injury and any arson of a multi-unit dwelling even when no injury results.
- Arson of an insured dwelling where fraud is the intent.
- Maliciously setting fire to mines, any material in an underground mine or a structure over a mine shaft.
Contact Us
An experienced arson defense lawyer will focus on conducting an extensive and thorough investigation of how the fire originated and the circumstances under which you were implicated. We will work closely with fire and explosives experts and reconstruction specialists as part of building a strategic defense that demonstrates your innocence. If you have been arrested for arson in Michigan, please call 877-886-1441 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation. We are available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. We will keep your information confidential.